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priority意思是优先。 相关短语: 1、Aperture Priority:光圈优先;光圈先决;光圈优先模式;人像摄影必选。 2、Shutter Priority:快门优先;快门先决;快门优先模式;快门先决模式。 3、Priority Inheritance:优先级继承;继承策略;优先权继承;一种被称作优先级传承。 4、priority inversion:优先转置;优先级反转;优先级倒置;转问题。 5、priority encoder:优先序编码器。 6、Priority right:优先权;在先权利。 7、scientific priority:科学优先权;章的迷信进步前辈性;对科学发现优先权;先辈性。 8、Child Priority:儿童优先。 9、absolute priority:绝对优先求偿权;绝对优先资格;计绝对优先权。 例句: 1、Education has been given a high-priority rating by the new administration. 新一届政府将教育放在了高度优先的地位。 2、The conquest of inflation has been the Government's overriding economic priority for nearly 15 years. 对通货膨胀的克服一直是近15年以来政府的头等经济工作重点。 3、The fight against inflation took priority over measures to combat the deepening recession. 对抗通货膨胀的斗争比对抗日益加深的经济衰退措施更具优先性。 4、Our priority is to educate people about the dangers of drugs. 我们首先要考虑的是教育人民,使他们认识毒品的危险。 5、Nowadays the priority for traveling is shifted from shopping to food and scenery. 如今旅行的重点已经从购物转向品尝美食和观赏风景了。



意思:n. 优先权;优先;优先顺序 读音:英 [praɪ'ɒrəti]、美 [praɪ'ɔːrəti]   名词复数: priorities 词语搭配: 1、top priority: 应予最优先考虑的事 2、absolute priority: 绝对优先权 3、high priority :优先考虑的事物或人 4、job priority: 作业优先权 例句: 1、This is the key and should be given top priority. 这是关键,要放在第一位。 2、Efficiency does not always have priority. 效率不一定总是优先。 扩展资料近义词: 1、preference 读音:英 ['prefrəns]、美 ['prefrəns]   意思:n. 偏爱;优先;喜爱物;优惠 例句: While selecting job applicants, we usually give preference to those with some experience. 在筛选求职者的过程中,我们通常优先考虑有一定经验的人。 2、first 读音:英 [fɜːst] 、美 [fɜːrst]   意思: adj. 第一的;最初的 adv. 首先;第一 n. 最初;(序数词)第一 例句: He was the first to be there. 他是第一个到达那里的。



priority的意思是:n.优先,优先权;[数] 优先次序,优先考虑的事。 priority,英[praɪˈɒrəti],美[praɪˈɔːrəti]。来自prior,先前的,优先的+ ity 具备某种性质;引申词义优先权;复数是priorities。近义词,precedence -[通信][计]优先、preference to sth -优先权。 Aperture Priority光圈优先 ; 光圈先决 ; 光圈优先模式 ; 人像摄影必选。scientific priority科学优先权 ; 文章的科学先进性 ; 章的迷信进步前辈性 ; 对科学发现优先权。highest priority当务之急;[计]最高优先权;事不宜迟。 How to prioritise a busy queue so low priority items get processed too?如何把忙队列的优先级较低的项被处理过? There is, however, no definitive evidence for the priority of either one.然而,先前没有任何一个的明确证据。



priority的意思是优先事项,当务之急,首要事情,重点;优先,优先权 1、N-COUNT 优先事项;最重要的事;当务之急 If something is a priority, it is the most important thing you have to do or deal with, or must be done or dealt with before everything else you have to do. Being a parent is her first priority.做好母亲是她的头等大事。 2、PHRASE 优先考虑;给…优先权 If you give priority to something or someone, you treat them as more important than anything or anyone else. The school will give priority to science, maths and modern languages.学校将重点发展理科、数学和现代语言。 3、PHRASE 优先于;比…重要 If something takes priority or has priority over other things, it is regarded as being more important than them and is dealt with first.