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求I am yours歌词和翻译!
求I am yours歌词和翻译!

求I am yours歌词和翻译!

  歌手:Jason Mraz
  外文名称:I'm yours
  所属专辑:We Sing We Dance We Steal Things
  Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
  I tried to be chill but you’re so hot that I melted
  I fell right through the cracks
  Now I’m trying to get back
  Before the cool down run out
  I’ll be giving it my bestest
  Nothing’s going to stop me but divine intervention
  I reckon it’s again my turn to win some or learn some
  But I won’t hesitate no more, no more
  It cannot wait, I’m yours
  Well open up your mind and see like me
  Open up your plans and damn you’re free
  Look into your heart and you’ll find love love love
  Listen to the music of the moment people, dance and sing
  We're just one big family
  And it’s our God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved
  So I won’t hesitate no more, no more
  It cannot wait I’m sure
  There’s no need to complicate
  Our time is short
  This is our fate, I’m yours
  D-d-do do you,
  but do you, d-d-do
  But do you want to come on
  Scooch on over closer dear
  And I'll nibble your ear
  I’ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
  And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
  But my breath fogged up the glass
  And so I drew a new face and laughed
  I guess what i’m saying is there ain’t no better reason
  To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
  It's what we aim to do
  Our name is our virtue
  But I won’t hesitate no more, no more
  It cannot wait I’m yours
  Well open up your mind and see like me
  Open up your plans and damn you’re free
  Look into your heart and you’ll find that the sky is yours
  So please don't,please don't, please don't
  There's no need to complicate
  Cause our time is short
  This is, this is, this is our fate
  这是,这是 ,这就是我们的命运,
  I'm yours

Pay phone歌词翻译。

Pay phone歌词翻译。

I' m at a payphone trying to call home 我站在付费电话前 试着打电话回家 All of my change i spent on you 我所有的零钱都已为你挥霍殆尽 Where are the times gone 我们的最好的时光都去了哪里 Baby,It' s all wrong, 宝贝儿 一切都已经不对 where are the plans we made for two 我们曾经计划的 有两个人的未来呢 Yeah, i, i know it' s hard to remember 是的 我知道很难去记得 The people we used to be 曾经的我们是什么样的我们 It' s even harder to picture 但更难的是去想象 That you' re not here next to me 你会不在我身边 You said it' s too late to make it 你说已经太晚再挽回 But is it too late to try? 但是不是连尝试都已不必要 And in our time that you wasted 在所有你荒废了的我们的时间里 All of our bridges burnt down 我们的一切都已崩塌 I' ve wasted my nights 我浪费了那些夜晚 You turned out the lights 你熄灭了灯火 Now i' m paralyzed 我已全身麻痹 动弹不得 Still stucked in that time when we called it love 仍然困在那一段 我们称之为相爱的时光里 But even the sun sets in paradise 但即便天堂的太阳也落了 I' m at a payphone trying to call home 我也会站在付费电话前 试着打回家 All of my change i spent on you 我所有的零钱都已花完 Where are the times gone 我们的最好的时光都去了哪里 Baby,It' s all wrong, 宝贝儿 一切都已经不对 where are the plans we made for two 我们曾经计划的 有两个人的未来呢 If happy ever after did exist 如果“从此快乐的生活到永远”(童话常见结尾)的确存在 I would still be holding you like this 我就会像这样永远与你相拥 All those fairytales are full of shit 所有的童话都已面目全非 One more stupid love song i' ll be sick 再多一首情歌都会让我作呕 You turned your back on tomorrow 你背弃了明天 Cause you forgot yesterday 因为你已忘记了过去 I gave you my love to borrow 我给你我全部的爱 But you just gave it away 但你弃之若履 You can' t expect me to be fine 你不能期望我能淡然面对 I don' t expect you to care 我也不期望你能在乎 I know i said it before 我知道我曾说过 But all of our bridges burnt down 但属于我们的一切都已经崩裂 I' ve wasted my nights 我荒废了我的夜晚 You turned out the lights 你熄灭了那些灯火 Now i' m paralyzed 我全身麻痹 动弹不得 Still stucked in that time when we called it love 仍然困在那些 我们称之为相爱的时光里 But even the sun sets in paradise 但即便天堂的太阳也落了 I' m at a payphone trying to call home 我也会站在付费电话前 试着打回家 All of my change i spent on you 我所有的零钱都已花完 Where are the times gone 我们的最好的时光都去了哪里 Baby,It' s all wrong, 宝贝儿 一切都已经不对 where are the plans we made for two 我们曾经计划的 有两个人的未来呢 If happy ever after did exist 如果“从此快乐的生活到永远”(童话常见结尾)的确存在 I would still be holding you like this 我就会像这样永远与你相拥 All those fairytales are full of shit 所有的童话都已面目全非 One more stupid love song i' ll be sick 再多一首情歌都会让我作呕 Now I' m at a payphone~ RAP: Now fuck that shit 好了去他丫的 I' ll be out spending all this money 我挥霍了所有这些钱财 While you sitting round wondering 当你坐在那里困惑着 Why it wasn' t you who came up from nothing 为什么失去一切的那个人不是你 Made it from the botton 从空白里再次奋斗 Now when you see me i' m stunning 你看 现在我混得多特么好 And all of my cars start with a push of a button 我所有的车都是高级货 Telling me the chances i blew up or whatever you call it 提醒我所有被我错过的机遇 或者随便什么 Switched the number to my phone 换掉我的号码 So you never could call it 那样你就无法再拨打它 Don' t need my name on my show 我都不用刻意的表演 You can tell it i' m ballin' 你可以看出我嗨爆了 Swish, what a shame could have got picked 啧 你错过了那些真是可惜 Had a really good game but you missed your last shot 你完美的玩了整个游戏 却玩废了最后一击 So you talk about who you see at the top 所以你不停的说着 你曾经的荣光 Or what you could have saw 或者你本可以得到些什么 But sad to say it' s over for 但必须说的是 那都结束了 Phantom pulled up,valet open doors 幻觉都消失 大门已敞开 Wiz like go away wiz 都离开吧 Got what you was looking for 终于得到了一直想要的 Now it's me who they want 现在他们需要的是我了 So you can go and take that little piece of shit with you (Rap over) 所以你可以滚了 带着你TM的那一份滚 I' m at a payphone trying to call home 我站在付费电话前 试着打电话回家 All of my change i spent on you 我所有的钱都已为你挥霍殆尽 Where are the times gone 我们的最好的时光都去了哪里 Baby,It' s all wrong, 宝贝儿 一切都已经不对 where are the plans we made for two 我们曾经计划的 有两个人的未来呢 If happy ever after did exist 如果那些快乐都还存在 I would still be holding you like this 我仍然会像这样与你相拥 All those fairy tales are full of shit 所有的童话都已面目全非 One more stupid love song i' ll be sick 再多一首情歌都会让我作呕 Now i' m at a payphone...