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Foot may you don't move
Red red setting wall of crossing
The ground tens of thousands of feet turn
A bird's eye view of the terrain change in his eyes
The expanse of the sky hugs launch
The moon was love praise for long
Happiness has come close to
See the kingdom to hear
Of all the things in the world are sinking
However I and you will be more warm wind more urgent
Will only more hold together the wind with kiss
Kiss me (to fly high) out of place
If you live in the tale of starlight
Starlight on the lights will not rain
Love makes the the city
Cloud rose back to come back
On the earth without obstacles
If love has cold accident
Day will separate disappear brilliance
Boulder crashed into real
Happiness has come close to
See the kingdom to hear
Of all the things in the world are sinking
However I and you will be more warm wind more urgent
Will only more hold together the wind with kiss
Kiss me (to fly high) out of place
If you live in the tale of starlight
Starlight on the lights will not rain
Kiss me (will fly to heart what I meant how unappealing)
If you live in the deep heart
The tale of starlight (starlight on lights will not rain)
Love it (will fly to heart what I meant how unappealing)
If you live in the deep heart
The tale of starlight (starlight on lights will not rain)
Kiss me (will fly to heart what I meant how unappealing)
If you live in the deep heart
The tale of starlight (starlight on lights will not rain)


In the stillness of the night In the distance there's a light In your eyes there is a glow And it's you that's there I know While the light that is so bright It's because with all their lies Their trying to hide you from me But I'm still be there to set you free Yes the time for me has come To set out on my way Loaf of bread, knife and lamp in my bag I'm setting out today I'm taking along with me Dad's determined mind While watching over me Is mom's sweet eyes so kind And the earth goes round and round To the rhythm of your sigh In search of you I'm bound And just a sparkle of your eyes So the earth goes round and round While sailing through the sky In no time at all you shall be found I'll bring you out of your disguise Yes the time for me has come To set out on my way Loaf of bread, knife and lamp in my bag I'm setting out today I'm taking along with me Dad's determined mind While watching over me Is mom's sweet eyes so kind I'll be with you everyday As you travel on your way


香港歌手邓紫棋推出2013年全新创作单曲《偶尔》,首次尝试Live Piano Session,也就是钢琴与人声同时无剪辑现场录音。在镜头之前娓娓道来展现自己最真实、最不经修饰的情感,更首次展现自己一个人在房间创作的一面。 《偶尔》是Live Piano Session系列作品中的第一首公开作品,其他录音过程亦将陆续推出。
邓紫棋全新创作单曲《偶尔》,首次尝试Live Piano Session,也就是钢琴与人声同时无剪辑现场录音,源于邓紫棋对钢琴情有独钟。在邓紫棋的音乐生涯中,钢琴扮演着一个非常重要的角色。甚至在发现自己会唱歌的更早之前,钢琴就进入了她的生活。4岁第一次接触钢琴,那时对邓紫棋来说它是最爱的玩具,慢慢地钢琴带领她走进音乐世界,她开始爱上用钢琴来表达自己、抒发情感。钢琴不仅启蒙了邓紫棋的创作,在舞台上,和钢琴在一起的她,变得更自信,呈现给观众的才是那个最完整的她。
Live Piano Session是邓紫棋现场自弹自唱并且完全不经剪辑的录音作品,希望这样的录制方式可以让大家认识邓紫棋最自我的一面。《偶尔》是Live Piano Session系列作品中的第一首公开作品,其他录音过程亦将陆续推出。邓紫棋表示:“一直没有在主打作品里表现我一个人在房间创作的一面,这次首次尝试了自弹自唱同步现场录音,希望把最真实、最不经修饰的情感直接传到大家心里。”