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falling alicia keys

falling alicia keys
falling alicia keys


跪求ina的Fall的英文歌词与中文翻译 I gave you all you desired All that you needed 我愿意给你渴望的一切 Boy, I provided I let you into my head Into my bed 亲爱的, 请深入我的灵魂 And that’s a privilege I had your back at the answers 我在等待你的回答 You took the dollars I took the chances Defended, battled and fought 你拥有金钱,我拥有机会 我们争论不休 Cuz I thought you really loved me 我认为你爱上了我 I don’t know where to start or where to s 我不知何去何从 No, but I know I am done I’ve had enough 但我却已经历种种 So fall out of my hands 放开手 Out of my heart 敞开心扉 And when you hit the ground You’ll be sorry that I’m not around 当你来到我的面前,不愿与我想见 I will watch you 我会在远处看着你 And you fall out of your mind Out of your fantasy 你便抛弃了一切幻想 When you hit the wall Think of me I’ll be on the just watching you fall 当你遇到坎坷,请想起我, 我就在你的不远处 You said that you were the strong one I was the girl 你说你很坚强,我很懦弱 And I was the young one 但充满活力 I kept your feet on the ground My head in the rounds I had you 脑海中萦绕着你的影子 You told me you were so grateful I was with you 你告诉我你很感激我 And I was so faithful Stood by in all that you said And all that you did 我对你的一切充满信心 I loved you 我爱你 I don’t know how to act or what to say But I know I am good I’ll be okay 我不知如何告白, 但我知道我一切还好 (不必担心) 跪求英文歌“god is girl"的英文歌词和中文翻译! God Is A Girl歌词,翻译,一句对着一句的 remembering me discover and see all over the world 记得我在全世界寻找而领悟 she's known as a girl to those who a free 她是一个想得到自由的女孩 the mind shall be key fotten as the past 思想将被封锁,忘记过去 cause history will last 使过去的事情继续延续…… god is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 wherever you are 无论你在何处 do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? god is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 whatever you say 无论你说什么 do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? god is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 however you live 无论你生活怎么样 do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? god is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 she's only a girl 她仅仅是一个女孩 do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? she wants to shine forever in time 她希望永远的闪耀着 she is so driven she's always mine 她是如此地被动…… cleanly and free 她永远是我的“纯洁”与“自由” she wants you to be a part of the future 她希望未来的大部分时间里 a girl like me 有一个女孩会喜欢我 there is a sky illuminating us someone is out there 有天空照亮着我们,某人的离开 that we truly trust 才是我们真实的期待 there is a rainbow for you and me 有一道彩虹等着你和我 a beautiful sunrise eternally 一轮美丽的日出是那样的永恒! god is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 wherever you are 无论你在何处 do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? god is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 whatever you say 无论你说什么 do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? god is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 however you live 无论你生活怎么样 do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? god is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 she's only a girl 她仅仅是一个女孩 do you believe it can you receive it 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? (重复2遍) God is a girl~~~~ 上帝是一个女孩 跪求never say good bye的英文歌词和中文翻译 最后的爱情我决定选择你 曾经承诺和我永远都要在一起 不能就这样分离 不要让你就这样放弃 你就是唯一 never say goodbye love please don't leave me my love 大声喊者我爱你 空气里充满绝望情绪 可你不言不语 逃离 I don't say goodbye goodbye goodbye 回来我的爱 最后的爱情我决定选择你 曾经承诺和我永远都要在一起 不能就这样分离 不要让你就这样放弃 你就是唯一 never say goodbye love please don't leave me my love 大声喊者我爱你 空气里充满绝望情绪 可你不言不语 逃离 I don't say goodbye goodbye goodbye 回来我的爱 在失眠黑夜里 一声声的哭泣 希望你能聆听 我不愿意清醒 看到你的熟悉身影 就算是幻境 燃烧成灰烬 never say goodbye love please don't leave me my love 大声喊者我爱你 空气里充满绝望情绪 可你不言不语 逃离 I don't say goodbye goodbye goodbye never say goodbye love please don't leave me my love 大声喊者我爱你 空气里充满绝望情绪 可你不言不语 逃离 I don't say goodbye goodbye goodbye 回来我的爱 跪求flunk—diet of water and love的英文歌词和中文翻译 When you are here With me 当你和我在一起的时候 With valium poets all ears Floating on clouds Valium诗人们漂浮在云间,洗耳恭听 We wait For whatever es around 我们等著 逆来顺受 It's so perfectly quiet 一切是如此的安静 And I'm gonna stay On a diet of water and love 然而我要开始以水和爱情维持着生命 While life goes on 生活仍在继续 注:valium是一种镇定剂,这里夸张又诗意的把它形容成诗人们,有一些诙谐和自嘲之意在吧.如果想详细了解,欢迎随时给我留言. 跪求 Joan O *** orne 的《Work On Me》的英文歌词 和中文翻译 中文的没找到 Celine Dion-I'm Alive歌词: I get wings to fly... Oh-oh I m alive... yeah.. yeah When you call for me When I hear you breathe I get wings to fly... I feel that I’m alive When you look at me I can touch the sky I know that I’m alive Ohh... Ooh.... alive When you blessed the day I just drift away All my worries die I’m glad that I’m alive You’ve set my heart on fire Filled me with love Made me a woman On clouds above I couldn’t get much higher My spirit takes flight (My spirit takes flight) ’Cause I’m alive (Because I’m alive) Ooh... never bound (When you call on me) When you call on me (When I hear you breathe) When I hear you breathe I get wings to fly... I feel that I’m alive Oh yeah, I’m alive. (When you reach for me) When you reach for me (Erases fear inside) Loves knows that That I’ll be the one standing by Through good and through tiring times And it’s only begun I can’t wait for the rest of my life (When you call for me) When you call on me (When you reach for me) When you reach for me (I get wings to fly...) Ah-ah... (I feel that...) (When you blessed the day) When you blessed, you blessed the day (I just drift away) I just drift away (All my worries die) I know that... I’m alive Yeah... I get wings to fly God knows that I’m alive... fallen angel的英文歌词+中文翻译 I wanna know 我要知道 I wanna know 我要知道 I wanna know 我要知道 Yeah, I wanna know (I wanna know) 我想要知道 I wanna know 我要知道 You had me fooled 你这样愚弄我 You were so good at that 你是如此娴熟 I'm so unglued 我如此心烦意乱 Too many pieces to put back 有太多的碎屑来整理 You were the best by far 直到现在你是最好的 How did we end up like this 我们之间是如何结束的? And even though who you are 甚至不知道你是谁 I can't believe it's like this 我不能相信会变成这样 I wanna know 我要知道 How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉? Your wings are lying on the ground 你那双翼折断在地平线上 How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉? Forever is a long way down 永远只是条漫漫长路 You're everything that thought I wanted to be 你是我想拥有的那一切 But everything is disappeared for me 但那一切却随我而逝 So how does it feel 那么它是怎样的感觉? How does it feel to be a fallen angel of love 做只爱的堕落天使是何感觉? I wanna know I wanna know 我想要知道 I wanna know I wanna know 我想要知道 I wanna know I wanna know 我想要知道 I wanna know I wanna know 我想要知道 I followed you 我追寻你 To the deepest part of love (of love) 直到那情的最深处 And how do you destroy the life you built for us 但,你是如何毁灭了你为了我们所憧憬的一生? This is a mystery you played the part so well, yeah 这是一部神秘剧,你这样出色地扮演好了的角色,是这样的 Now this is history 现在这只是历史 Was I the last to tell 我是这最后留下的人来诉说? I wanna know 我要知道 How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉? Your wings are lying on the ground 你那双翼折断在地平线上 How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉? Forever is a long way down 永远只是条漫漫长路 You're everything that thought I wanted to be 你是我想拥有的那一切 But everything is disappeared for me 但那一切却随我而逝 So how does it feel 那么它是怎样的感觉? How does it feel to be a fallen angel of love 做只爱的堕落天使是何感觉? The only thing that's worst than emptiness 那个比空虚更颓废的事 Is when your heart's lost 是你心的迷失 And the only thing that's worth the pain 那唯一值得让人悲痛心酸的事 Is the price of what love costs 是相恋的代价 It's when you think its all in your hands 当你觉得一切都在你掌握 That's when it's gone 当一切都消失 And you think you're invincible 你会认为你是一切的主宰 Believe me you're so wrong 相信我,你错了 Tell me how does it feel 告诉我那种感觉 How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉? Your wings are lying on the ground 你那双翼折断在地平线上 How does it feel to be a fallen angel 做只堕落天使是何感觉? Forever is a long way down 永远只是条漫漫长路 You're everything that thought I wanted to be 你是我想拥有的那一切 But everything is disappeared for me 但那一切却随我而逝 So how does it feel 那到底是什么感觉 ? How does it feel to be a fallen angel of love 做只堕落天使到底是何感觉 ? 很好听O(∩_∩)O~ 求 Against The Sun 的英文歌词加中文翻译 against the sun 逐日 Chase the wind and touch the sky 逐风而行直抵天际 A stars light shines on long after it dies 星耀苍穹直至坠落 In the night 于夜空 Live everyday as if it's your last 要将每一日如末日一般来过 Our memories burn bright like beacons of the past 我们的回忆会如身后的灯塔一般闪耀 In the night 于夜空 Now we race against the sun 我们正在逐日(后面的都一样意思啦) Now we race against the sun 不舍昼夜 Now we race against the sun Now we race against the sun Race against the sun Now we race against the sun Race against the sun Now we race against the sun Now we race against the sun Now we race against the sun Iyaz-Friend 英文歌词+中文翻译 Iyaz - Friend Maximal R&B - Your First R&B Source! .... Everybody tells me that you're pretty And I always try to disagree, ohh to see you with another guy Would tear me up deep inside Cuz they dont know you once belonged to me Ohh oh And I know it would be awkward running into you that way It was okay 'til you said that word to me Oh no you didnt just call me friend Oh no I must be hearing things You can call me wrong You can call me right But dont you call me friend tonight Oh no you didnt just say we're through Oh no I aint never gettin over you Tell me that I'm crazy chasing you again Oh ohh, but dont you call me friend Dont you call me Dont you, dont you call me Dont you call me Dont you call me friend Dont you call me Dont you, dont you call me Dont you call me Dont you call me friend I aint gonna lie You look so happy Wish there was something I could still make you feel Every *** ile makes me wanna fall apart Every laugh is like a bullet to my heart Cuz I'm at the end of the room Watching every guy ing at you And I know it would be awkward running into you that way It was okay 'til you said that word to me Oh no you didnt just call me friend Oh no I must be hearing things You can call me wrong You can call me right But dont you call me friend tonight Oh no you didnt just say we're through Oh no I aint never gettin over you Tell me that I'm crazy chasing you again Oh ohh, but dont you call me friend Dont you call me Dont you, dont you call me Dont you call me Dont you call me friend Dont you call me Dont you, dont you call me Dont you call me Dont you call me friend A friend dont think about you when he's dreaming Or every single minute that he's breathing So why is this so hard to believe A friend wont do it all to try to please you A friend can never kiss you when he sees you And you know I wont to ??, so just please dont call me friend Oh no you didnt just call me friend Oh no I must be hearing things You can call me wrong You can call me right But dont you call me friend tonight Oh no you didnt just say we're through Oh no I aint never gettin over you Tell me that I'm crazy chasing you again Oh ohh, but dont you call me friend Dont you call me Dont you, dont you call me Dont you call me Dont you call me friend Dont you call me Dont you, dont you call me Dont you call me Dont you call me friend ============================Iyaz——朋友 你的第一个节奏蓝调-最大源头! .... 每个人都告诉我,你很漂亮 我总是不以为然,哦 看见你和另一个人 必撕裂我内心深处 因为他们不知道你曾经属于我 哦哦 我知道它会跑到你尴尬 这很正常,直到你对我说的话 哦不,你没打电话给我的朋友 哦,我没有一定听到了一些事情 你可以叫我是错的 你可以叫我是对的 但你不该叫我的朋友今晚要挑灯夜读了 哦不,你不就说我们完了 哦,我没有不肯定不是你 告诉我,我已经疯狂追逐你了 哦哦哦,但你不该打电话给我的朋友 你不打电话给我 你不该,你不该打电话给我 你不打电话给我 你不叫我的朋友 你不打电话给我 你不该,你不该打电话给我 你不打电话给我 你不叫我的朋友 我不是要躺 你看起来真高兴 希望自己能有一些我还能让你有什么感受 每一个微笑使我想要分崩离析 每一笑,就像子弹一样向我的心倾诉 因为我在房间的一头 看每一个家伙都来了你 我知道它会跑到你尴尬 这很正常,直到你对我说的话 哦不,你没打电话给我的朋友 哦,我没有一定听到了一些事情 你可以叫我是错的 你可以叫我是对的 但你不该叫我的朋友今晚要挑灯夜读了 哦不,你不就说我们完了 哦,我没有不肯定不是你 告诉我,我已经疯狂追逐你了 哦哦哦,但你不该打电话给我的朋友 你不打电话给我 你不该,你不该打电话给我 你不打电话给我 你不叫我的朋友 你不打电话给我 你不该,你不该打电话给我 你不打电话给我 你不叫我的朋友 一个朋友不想你的时候,他在做梦 或者,他每一分钟的呼吸 那么为什么如此令人难以置信 一个朋友都不会愿意去做所有讨好你 一个朋友永远不会吻你的时候,他看见你 你知道我不会? ?,所以请别叫我的朋友 哦不,你没打电话给我的朋友 哦,我没有亩 Music Box - Eminem 英文歌词+中文翻译 你听见我的节奏,我的鼓点,它让你彻夜无眠 我敲了敲dakota的门,已经锁了,于是我偷偷 爬到后院,戴上我的望远镜,其实我不是一个偷窥狂 而是我饿了,正好她散发着墨西哥煎玉米卷的香味,我想吃她 我仿佛看见了覆盖著融化了的巧克力的棉花糖 真甜,还有糖果蜜饯 你看,marshall来了,他就在你的门口 他把炙热火红的木炭放到你的脚底 然后逼你走上去,他跟尸体亲密的跳舞,跟鲜肉亲密的接触 像感恩节的火鸡,节日的火腿 像烤好的面包散满桂皮,涂满草莓橘子果酱 把我最喜爱的甜饼干涂上拿JonBenét Ramsey做的酱 我就是现实生活中的开膛手杰克 天黑熄灯的时候,我看见她已经睡着了 但我听得见你在呼唤我 我想让全世界知道,你是我的全部 你呼唤我的时候,我会回应的 天黑熄灯的时候,我看见她已经睡着了 我听见我的音乐盒,在为我演奏一首歌 你能不能转过来,在我面前舞动 你能不能当我的私人性感的舞蹈女孩 大麻抽得我现在看上去就像个弱智一样,大家都高了,谁那么扫兴,想一直清醒? 我像个猎犬一样嘴里冒白沫,张著嘴巴,我已经超过了人体极限,医院我来了 把可卡因从两个鼻孔同时吸进去,然后堵住鼻子 我的瞳孔是之前的四倍,眼球严重突出 我抹了一大堆我妈的化妆品,然后 *** 了裸奔 挥舞著一把枪,我猜我现在只有100磅,也就是90斤 上天打雷又下雨,奇怪了,太阳这么烈怎么还会下雨? 阎王爷肯定跟他老婆吵架了,估计是他们在上面打架呢 我感觉忐忑不安,但不知道为什么 脑海里有个声音叫我上楼,到房顶的储蓄室 这些声音拽着我的衣服,带领我寻找这个音乐盒的声音 但它被锁到一个箱子里面,我怎么办呢? 我吧锁敲开,开启箱子,里面全是肢体 我翻了半天才翻出来,上了发条 美妙的旋律开始旋绕我,房间里一片漆黑 今晚是个满月,我感应到了一个葬礼,我想我就在这个公园里等待吧 我期盼窒息这个女孩,就像个Pixy Stix一样 变态的撒旦崇拜者, *** 被我抽 我在后院,打开后门 从缝隙中钻进来,让尸体继续滴血 爱的送葬者,被上天派来的 破门而入,……越……,我越贪婪 我已经持续了四分之一个世纪,我已经麻木了 难道我在做梦?是真的么?谁掐我一下 时间到了,该把她绑起来,搭个梯子 我闲了半天了,怕到窗户看着她 然后爬进去,把她的脑袋打碎,用棒球棍打她 让她溅的到处乱飞 但这样之前,我得先跟她聊聊天吹捧她 赞美她两句,像Tabitha 我是你的暗恋者,我来蹂躏你了 你挣扎半天,但面对吸血鬼你怎么能抵抗呢 拽著 她的喉咙,我一边拿刀桶 把她截肢了,就这么简单,跟魔术一样 在相机上放大,然后 准备好了,是你熟悉的杰克,帕梅拉带来那个音乐盒



Something Corporate - Fall lyrics

i close my eyes
thought i was lost but i was stranded
i go outside
to my surprise the sky had landed
i thought it made more sense
if i could only keep you guessing
i was a fool to think that i should stop you from undressing
now i'm believing all the words you say
that i can't say back to you
but so you can

so i fall
i don't wanna feel this small
you know i just can't handle this
handle this at all
and i'll just fall
i'll let my heartbeat drop
i falter as the music stops
and you watch me as stall
and wonder when i fall

i kiss your neck
i feel you breathing on my shoulder
still i'm perfect
it must be you cause now it's over
i was so close
that was the most that i have ever been through
now old cassettes and cigarettes
will be the ones to save you
how can you ask for me to stay
when all you ever do is go?
just go

and so i fall
i don't wanna feel this small
you know i just can't handle this
handle this at all
and so i fall
i let my heartbeat drop
i falter as the music stops
and you watch me as i stall
and wonder when i..

go on
you can't be waiting
go on
and watch me as i fall

i don't wanna feel this small
you know i just can't handle this
handle this at all
and so i'll fall
i'll let my heartbeat drop
i falter as the music stops
and you watch me as stall
and wonder when i..

Clay Walker - Fall Lyrics

Oh, look there, you go again, puttin' on that smile again
Even though I know you've had a bad day
Doin' this and doin' that, always puttin' yourself last
A whole lotta give and not enough take
But you can only be strong so long before you break

So fall, go on and fall apart
And fall into these arms of mine, I'll catch you
Every time you fall, go on and lose it all
Every doubt, every fear, every worry, every tear
I'm right here, baby fall

Forget about the world tonight, all that's wrong and all that's right
Lay your head on my shoulder and let it fade away
And if you wanna let go, baby, it's okay

Fall, go on and fall apart
And fall into these arms of mine and I'll catch you
Every time you fall, go on and lose it all
Every doubt, every fear, every worry, every tear
I'm right here, baby fall

Hold on, hold on
Hold on to me

Fall, go on and fall apart
And fall into these arms of mine and I'll catch you
Every time you fall, go on and lose it all
Every doubt, every fear, every worry, every tear
I'm right here, baby fall


谁能给我Alicia Keys 的准确的资料啊

英文名:Alicia Keys 生日:1981年1月25日 出生地:纽约 眼睛颜色:棕色 头发颜色:深棕色 星座:水瓶座 职业:歌手 所属唱片公司:J Records 教育:哥伦比亚大学 首次演出经历:4岁时演出舞台剧《绿野仙踪》 演奏乐器:钢琴、吉他 首次创作:14岁 音乐影响:肖邦、贝多芬、Marvin Gaye、Mary J. Blige、Miles Davis、 The Notorious B.I.G.,Stevie Wonder,Curtis Mayfield 最爱唱片:Stevie Wonder的《生命之歌》 偶像:Stevie Wonder、Maya Angelou 最想合作者:Lauren Hill,R Kelly 喜爱的书:拉尔夫·艾里森的《隐身人》 Alicia Keys从艺介绍 Alicia Keys于1981年1月25日出生在美国纽约市市区的黑人住宅区,原名Alicia Augello Cook。自幼Alicia Augello Cook就展现出了非常高的音乐天赋,早在她仅仅有五岁的时候就已经成为了当地教堂唱诗班的主要演唱者,并且在这之后以唱诗班核心的身份成功进入曼哈顿的职业表演艺术学校(Professional Performance Arts School)进一步的锻炼自己的演唱功力,在这所学校内,天分极高的Alicia Keys很快就成为了老师的爱徒,这里的学习为她日后的成功打下了坚实的基础。在学校里,Alicia Keys接受了非常严格但是相当传统的钢琴训练课,长达七年的钢琴训练,增加了Alicia Keys的器乐演奏能力。14岁的时候,Alicia Keys开始尝试着自己创作歌曲,并且自己使用钢琴演奏,结果她所创作的一些单曲相当受欢迎。15岁的时候,Alicia Keys开始在多部电影的原声大碟中露面,其中包括威尔-史密斯和汤米-李-琼斯主演的卖座电影《黑衣人(Men in Black)》原声中的《Dah Dee Dah (Sexy Thing)》以及电影《Shaft》等。崭露头角的Alicia Keys开始引起了各大唱片公司的注意,但是16岁的Alicia Keys在从学校里毕业之后就和大多数同龄人一样进入了哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)进修,不过最终由于自己对音乐方面的热情,而从哥伦比亚大学退学,专心从事音乐发展。 1998年,各大唱片公司为了争夺年仅17岁但已名声鹊起的Alicia Keys而展开了激烈的签约争夺战,最终Alicia Keys跟随Clive Davis加盟了Arista Records唱片公司。1999年,Clive Davis离开了Arista Records唱片公司创立了J-Records唱片公司,Alicia Keys也随着他加盟了J-Records,并且在此开始了自己辉煌的音乐历程。Clive Davis这位曾经在音乐界提拔过Carlos Santana和Whitney Houston的王牌商人,这次又选中了Alicia Keys,他为Alicia Keys事业的发展做出了极其重要的作用。Clive Davis首先安排Alicia Keys在美国各大音乐电视台上露脸,特别是主要的音乐电视台,这为Alicia Keys的新专辑发行做了良好的铺垫。在新专辑的录制中,Alicia Keys和著名的制作人Jermaine Dupri以及灵魂乐前辈Isaac Hayes等人合作,确保了专辑制作的实力,也能够保证在音乐风格上不仅反映出Alicia Keys的音乐风格,而且能够表现出传统的灵魂乐的特点,不至于令歌迷难以接受,确保了专辑中音乐的号召力。2001年夏天,随着单曲《Fallin"》的打榜成功,Alicia Keys的首张个人专辑《Songs in A Minor》正式发行,专辑上市之后果然没有让任何人失望,上市第一天就卖出了5万张,首周之后顺利的成为了Billboard 200排行榜的冠军,并且在这之后获得了媒体和评论界的一致好评,最终销量突破五百万张。在2002年初举行的第44届格莱美颁奖典礼上,Alicia Keys成为了最大的赢家,不仅获得了最佳新人奖(Best New Artist),而且凭借单曲《Fallin"》获得了年度最佳单曲(Song Of The Year)、最佳R&B女歌手(Best Female R&B Vocal Performance)和最佳R&B歌曲奖(Best R&B Song),专辑《Songs In A Minor》也获得了最佳R&B专辑奖(Best R&B Album)。独揽五项格莱美大奖的Alicia Keys成为了无可争议的顶级R&B女歌星,随后专辑《Songs In A Minor》也在世界各个国家再版发行。2003年12月2日,Alicia Keys的第二张个人专辑《Diary of Alicia Keys》正式发行。 在经历了2002年初格莱美颁奖典礼那个美妙的夜晚之后,全世界无数热心的歌迷对于Alicia Keys的第二张个人专辑都在翘首以待,期待着这位灵魂乐才女能够给歌迷更多新的惊喜。现在,这张专辑终于来了,在发行后的第一周,这张专辑横扫唱片店货架,售出了61万8千张,这样的成绩比她第一张专辑《Songs in A Minor》最高24万张的单周销量高出一倍还要多的多,同时这也令这张专辑毫无阻力的登上了Billboard排行榜冠军的宝座。 每一名歌手获得了格莱美奖之后都会自然而然得承受到一些压力,对于Alicia Keys这样风头席卷一届格莱美奖的歌手来说更是如此,因而为了这张新专辑的制作,Alicia Keys倾尽了将近一年的时间来精心打磨,以期能够延续自上一张专辑之后的辉煌。Alicia Keys并没有让人失望,这张由各路精英打造出来的专辑证明了Alicia Keys并没有被五项格莱美奖杯的压力所压倒,除了以其拥有的似乎无限的音乐才华继续创作出了以《You Don"t Know My Name》为代表的这样优秀的单曲以外,并且还继续展现着自己卓越的演奏才能。在这张名为“Alicia Keys日记”的专辑中,除了优美的音乐之外,更多的表现出了Alicia Keys的成熟以及丰富细腻的感情,专辑中或描绘出了一个年轻女人的复杂而曲折的爱情,或流露了一个少女对于音乐所拥有的浪漫和梦想。Alicia Keys是在尽情的展示着自己各方面的音乐才华,她是以音乐为生的,以创作和表演音乐来为她的生活带来快乐,也正是这样的状态才使Alicia Keys和她的音乐能够近乎完美的结合在一起,令听者陶醉在其中。 作为最顶尖的少女R&B歌星,五项格莱美奖的得主,Alicia Keys的第二张专辑同她的前作一样的出色,继续保持Alicia Keys特有的风格,她能够把所有优秀的灵魂乐歌手的优点提取出来,并且恰如其分的将其融入自己的音乐之中,多种元素的加入,赋予了音乐生命力。两年的努力,一张优秀的专辑。 Alicia Keys是美国R&B音乐界在进入新世纪之后冉冉升起的一名新生代女歌手,出道以来就以其与年龄不相称的成熟和才华取得了非常令人惊异的成就,成为新一代R&B女歌星中的最杰出的代表。尽管年纪轻轻,但是Alicia Keys的创作才华以及富有的创新精神,使她敢于大胆的对自己的音乐做出改变,融合R&B,爵士,hip-hop,对于传统的灵魂乐做出变革,形成自己的风格,这在同年龄段的歌手中是绝无仅有的。 记得采纳啊